PyBen Usage Examples

PyBen is small bencode encode/decode library, designed to mimic the python standard lib's pickle/json modules.

Importing pyben

importing the library

`>>> import pyben`

Example 1

Encode most builtin python data types to a bencoded byte sequence.

  • identical to json and pickle modules.

    >>> data = [1, "hello", 2, ["world"], {3: "!"}]
    >>> encoded = pyben.dumps(data)
    >>> encoded

Example 2

Write Bencoded python builtin data types to file.

  • Unlike the json and pickle modules, pyben accepts a str or PathLike object as the second argument and automatically open the path in bytes, write mode('wb'), or you can open supply an opened ioStream yourself just like json and pickle.

    >>> pyben.dump(data, "path/to/save/filename")
    >>> with open('path/to/save/filename','wb') as binfile:
    >>> pyben.dump(data, binfile)

Example 3

Decode a Bencoded bytes-like object

  • Identical to json and pickle modules.

    >>> decoded = pyben.loads(encoded)
    >>> decoded
    [1, 'hello', 2, ['world'], {3: '!'}]

Example 4

Decode the bencoded contents of a file.

  • Mimics the behaviour of the json/pickle library's load method.
  • Pyben accepts Path-Like and path strings as input arguement as well as an opened file buffer.

    >>> decoded_contents = pyben.load('path/to/save/filename')
    >>> decoded_contents = pyben.load(open('path/to/save/filename', 'rb'))
    >>> decoded_contents
    [1, 'hello', 2, ['world'], {3: '!'}]